Our (God Willing) Travel Plans

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Here We Go Again!!

“Life is too short to be normal…too short to do things the same old way….I am so thankful for a husband that feels the same and for children that love the call of adventure and have a desire to serve”….this is an excerpt written from my last journal entry from Ireland at the end of our family's four month round the world adventure that finished in June 2008. (For those interested or supremely bored you can re-live the trip at http://campbellsworldtour.blogspot.com) We finished that adventure and our backpacks were not even unpacked and we all said we would do it again in an instant. (ok…maybe we did take a bit of time to enjoy our own beds and bathrooms before we said that….must be honest here)
Well over two years have gone by and a lot of life has happened in those years. I have “retired” from my job at CRISTA and now enjoy being full time mom, wife and volunteer. We have watched Jessica spread her wings and fly first off to Thailand the summer before her senior year and now off to Japan for college. Kurt’s been busy weathering the challenges that comes with being a business owner in difficult economic times. Meg and Cole have been busy growing up and doing life. We have been blessed to have a new daughter, in every way that counts, when Natalie came into our lives last year.
We started playing the “what if….game” and the “do you think we could do it again…..game” and the “should we…..game” a few months ago and turns out….it works…we can and we are….so we officially launch….”Once in a Lifetime Adventure II” or “Campbell Family Adventure Again” or “Campbell’s Back on the Run” ….haven’t really thought of a good name yet but nevertheless HERE WE GO AGAIN!!….
We are so thankful for kids that not only are willing to go but are begging to go see the world, serve the world and get out of their comfort zone. So thankful for family, who may not always understand, but always support. So thankful for a school that understands the educational value of travel and service. And so thankful for a God that makes all things possible.
More details to come but for now….join us as we pray for our trip that starts on March 1st, for plans that align with God’s will, for my back to continue to recovery from surgery and for all the details that need to come together.
Our family will be smaller, despite being able to catch Jess at the beginning of our trip in Japan, it will mainly be the four of us and sometimes just the three of us as Kurt spends some time back here working. The places will be different for the most part, we are changed- older and maybe just a bit wiser but our hope is the same; that we will be exposed to people and places and situations that touch our heart, perhaps break our heart in a way that we can challenge ourselves to think less of the “normal-life” and more of what kind of life God wants for us and what kind of world-view we need to have. So here’s planning on more adventure…less hospitals…bigger backpacks….(I am afraid I am probably out of luck on that…for more info see June 13th entry in the http://campbellsworldtour.blogspot.com ) more amazing family time and memories and hearts that continue to be changed!

1 comment:

  1. Love- Love Love that you guys do this. It is really a powerful experience. Wish I could come... I am sure there would be lots of laughs and happy moments with all of you. We would be very happy if you landed in Orlando for a stopping point on the way home...

    xo Cami
