Our (God Willing) Travel Plans

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Flip Side of Life

Life is unpredictable, yet I find myself going to bed thinking that tomorrow will be just as I have it planned or at least something close, when in reality I don't know if I will be around for another sunrise. This was all made to clear when my friend Jay Sutherland passed away a couple days ago in his sleep and my uncle just yesterday was flown to Harborview with a stroke that has him in a coma awaiting the unknown.

Maybe I often sleep well because I know where I’m heading when my time is up here, or maybe I just fall into the ‘assumption trap’ that can keep me in a state of mind that says “there’s always tomorrow”. I now pray, once again, that I would look at the lives around me as if they too may not have another tomorrow and that I would somehow be that person that shows them the love Jesus has to offer for all of eternity.
This past week was not only met with sad news from home but also great joy here in Thailand. We have made new friends and have enjoyed building on past friendships as well. We have done the bizarre like riding ostriches and enjoyed the simple things like a Thai foot message. My personal favorite was the day five of us guys from the ministry rented dirt bikes and rode through the surrounding mountains.

We are blessed without a doubt and thankful for the days given us. My prayer would be that we plant and water the lives around us with the goodness of God and stop assuming there is ‘always tomorrow'.


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