Our (God Willing) Travel Plans

Sunday, April 3, 2011

A Belated Cambodian Update

So after we posted pictures on our trip to Cambodia it falls to me to update everyone about our family's Cambodian adventures; if just a little late... Since this will be the only blog I write on this trip I can only hope that it is a least slightly informative.

Our Cambodian experience was, if nothing else, a Campbell family adventure. We spent our mornings climbing through restored ruins trying to decipher the meanings of the wall carvings (aided by summaries in our guidebook). The afternoons we spent recuperating, a.k.a. napping by the poolside and taking advantage of our hotel's rather cheap massages. In between we dodged sweet children trying to sell us souvenirs and those parts of the jungle that had landmine warning signs.

Slight sarcasm aside it was an amazing three days. The temples were fantastic. Some were a bit like stone labyrinths where one could wander and explores several layers of complexes and others were simply one room buildings exquisitely carved and set in picturesque jungle settings.

My favorite temple was Ben Mealea. About an hour away from the other temples this temple displayed the passage of time much more clearly. We were able to climb over piles of rubble to view the inner rooms of the temple which were still remarkably intact. Everywhere we could see trees growing through the walls slowly crumbling the stone that had remained standing. Our guides later took us through the jungle a ways to see the outer wall where they fed us sour leaves and dry berries they had gathered from the bushes. Despite the fact that this temple was out of the way it was an adventure well worth our time.

We spent our last day in Cambodia in Poi Pet visiting the Cambodia Hope Organization (CHO) and the work they were doing in the region. The projects include, but are not limited to, the safe haven, school on the mat, a HIV/AIDS word, a foster home project, and a skills training center. It was a blessing for us to be able to see God working in Cambodia through CHO and it was a great way to end our few days there.

Now we are well on our way in our Thailand adventure and while Dad and I only have a week here in Chiang Rai I hope to make the most of it before I go home!!


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